
Shasta County, California, USA

Home of the spectacular Sundial Bridge

Northern California's Tourism & Recreation Capital

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| General Information | Population | Climate | Transportation | Housing | Municipal Services | Law Enforcement & Crime Rate | Fire Protection | Employment | Utilities | Education | Health Care | Retail | Area Media | Recreation | Attractions | Events | Other Links | Acknowledgments |

General Information:

Shasta County is located in the extreme northern end of the Sacramento Valley, equal distance between Los Angeles and Seattle on interstate 5. It is 160 miles north of Sacramento and 230 miles north of San Francisco. There are three incorporated cities in Shasta County, Redding, the county seat, Anderson and the City of Shasta Lake. Redding, bisected by the Sacramento River, is a growing center of commerce and industry and the nationally recognized metropolitan marketplace of northern California, serving the adjacent counties of Tehama, Trinity and Siskyou.

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Population: (2004 Approx.) From CA Dept. of Finance)

Population in the County 183,000
Population of Redding 88,459
Population of Anderson 10,441
Population of City of Shasta Lake 10,204

Median age of county resident: 36.2 years.

Population percentage by age:

School age 23%
Age 20 - 64 56%
Over 65 14%

Population growth rate :
Shasta County 0.9%
Redding 1.1%
White 93%
Native American 2.5%
Hispanic 3.8%

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Climate: Valley Area

Average Temperature Rain Humidity
Period Minimum Mean Maximum Rain-Inch 10 AM 4 PM
January 36.8 45.2 53.8 7.14 65 61
April 48.0 59.8 77.4 3.10 44 39
July 66.7 82.7 97.5 0.11 36 19
October 50.0 64.4 76.7 2.44 39 32
Year 50.7 62.6 74.2 37.76 43 37
Click Here for the current Redding weather from The Weather Channel
Click Here for the current Redding weather & Forecast from USA Today
for the current Redding weather from

Elevation: 400-10,466 Feet (Shasta County).
Redding: About 400 Feet

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Interstate 5
U.S. 299
State Route 44
Road Conditions:

bullet Bus Lines:
RABA (Local Public Transportation)
bullet Air:
Horizon (Via Portland, Seattle, and Los Angeles) 1-
United (Via San Francisco) 1-
bullet Airports:
Redding Municipal Airport
Hillside Aviation (Benton Field)
bullet Call Letters: RDD

bullet Rail:

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Rentals of 2 bedroom apartments & duplexes range from $ 450-$ 1,000
Rentals of three bedroom houses range from $ 600-$ 1400
Median price of a house sold in the City of Redding in 2005 is $ 270,500.  Executive type homes range up to $ 1.5 million+. Housing is usually available, for rent or purchase.
Average property tax 1.07%

Redding ranks 1st in the Fastest Percentage Growth in median housing prices in USA (19+%)

Cost of living Index (based on US average : Standard: 101.65%, Executive 132.92%

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Municipal Services:

Shasta County is governed by general law with an elected Board of Supervisors
Redding, City of Shasta Lake and Anderson each have the Council-Manager type of government.

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Law Enforcement & Crime Rate:

Crime Rate:

65% Lower than statewide average
71% Lower than Seattle
86% Lower than Sacramento
17% Lower than Phoenix

Average of 1.5 sworn officer per 1000 population.
bullet Shasta County Sheriff's Dept.: 245 sworn officers
bullet City of Redding: 104 sworn officers
bullet City of Anderson: 15 sworn officers
bullet Overall crime index of Shasta County is 65% lower than the statewide average.

Emergency Phone Number: 911

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Fire Protection:


bullet City of Redding: 7 fully Equipped Stations, 72 full time personnel. Class 3 Rating
bullet City of Anderson: 1 Station, 6 full time personnel, 24 Volunteers. Class 5 Rating
bullet City of Shasta Lake: 3 Stations, 7 full time personnel, 20 Volunteers. Class 4 Rating

Emergency Phone Number: 911

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1999 Median Income : $ 42,270
Average Unemployment Rate for 1997: 9.1%
Annual Average Jobs - March 2000 Data*
Services 31% 18,700
Retail Trade 21% 12,700
Government 20% 12,300
Manufacturing 7% 4,300
Transport, Communication, Utilities 6% 3,900
Construction & Mining 6% 3,800
Wholesale Trade 4% 2,200
Finance, Insurance & Real Estate 3% 1,700
Agriculture 1% 900
*Jobs data courtesy of Kathy Porter, Northern California Labor Market Consultant EDD Labor Market Information Division
Industrial Development:
bullet Economic Development Corp. of Shasta County
bullet Superior California Economic Development Dist.

bullet Employment Development Department

Job Training:
bullet Private Industry Council
bullet Sales Tax: 7.25% (food excluded, additional sales taxes in some areas)

Automobile Registration Fees: Based on vehicle value
California State Income Tax: Yes

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Electricity Supplier:
bullet City of Redding: City of Redding
bullet City of Shasta Lake: Shasta Lake Electric Department
bullet City of Anderson: Pacific Gas & Electric

Water Source:
bullet City of Redding: Sacramento River, Whiskeytown Lake, Redding Groundwater Basin
bullet City of Shasta Lake: Shasta Lake
bullet City of Anderson: Local Wells

Natural Gas Supplier:

bullet Pacific Gas & Electric
bullet Telephone: Area Code: 530

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Shasta County provides comprehensive elementary and secondary educational programs. These programs are provided in:

bullet 25 school districts,
bullet 40 elementary schools
bullet 13 middle schools
bullet 8 high schools
bullet 4 continuation high schools and
bullet 30 private schools
bullet There are several special centers and classes for the handicapped, a federally funded Headstart project, and a home study program. Additionally, working parents and parents who are returning to school are provided a child development program.
School Enrollment, Estimated for 1998 (county)
Grades K-8 17,405
Grades 9-12 8,496

Shasta Community College has a student enrollment of 14,000, with programs for university transfer occupational-technical training, Contract Training with employers as well as personal enrichment.

Simpson College a private, fully accredited liberal arts school, offers several Bachelor of Arts degrees, a Degree Completion Program and some Graduate degrees.
California State University, Chico75 miles to the south of Redding, offers "distance education" on the Shasta College campus for those not able to make the 1 hour 10 minute drive. A Master's of Business Administration program, began in 1995 in Redding to serve the area's needs.

National University is the only university in Redding, and has been here for 4 ½ years. A branch of the National University that is based out of San Diego, with 27 campuses throughout California.

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Health Care:

Redding serves as the health care center for the north state. The city has 2 major hospitals with state of the art treatment facilities in the specialties of cancer therapy, cardiac surgery, trauma and laser surgery, maternity, infertility and reproductive disorders, emergency care and others. Each have air ambulance services There is a specialty hospital for treatment of psychiatric disorders, chemical dependency and acute physical rehabilitation, plus a private hospital and 11 convalescent hospitals.
There are :

bullet 368+ physicians/surgeons
bullet 100+ dentists
bullet 30+ optometrists
bullet 54+ chiropractors
bullet Veteran's Medical Center
bullet Mercy Medical Center
bullet Shasta Regional Medical Center
bullet Patients' Hospital
bullet Northern California Rehabilitation Hospital

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There are 12 major shopping areas including 2 enclosed malls and 9 major shopping centers and a factory outlet center. Retail stores include:
bullet JC Penny
bullet Sears
bullet Mervyns
bullet Gottschalks
bullet Costco
bullet Circuit City
bullet Target
bullet WalMart
bullet Barnes & Noble
bullet Office Max
bullet Office Depot
bullet Home Depot
bullet K-Mart
bullet Macy's
bullet Victoria's Secret
bullet Body & Bath
bullet Old Navy
bullet Best Buy
bullet Lowe's (Coming Soon?)
bullet TJ Max

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Area Media:

Newspapers: 1 daily (Record Searchlight ), 2 weekly

Television Stations:

bullet ABC-KRCR Ch 7
bullet CBS-KSHL Ch 12
bullet NBC-KNVN Ch 24
bullet FOX-KCVU Ch 30
bullet PBS-KIXE Ch 9
bullet C26-KGEC UHF

bullet 2 Cable Systems

Radio Stations: 6 FM & 2 AM

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City of Redding:
bullet 3 community parks
bullet 33 Neighborhood parks
bullet 8 miles Sacramento River Trail System
bullet 8 lighted baseball fields
bullet 2 public swimming pools
bullet 3 boat launching facilities
bullet numerous picnic facilities
bullet 6 public golf courses
bullet 2 private golf courses
bullet 3 movie complexes

City of Shasta Lake:

bullet 7 parks

City of Anderson:

bullet 3 parks

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Regional Parks in the North State:

bullet Ahjumawi Lava Springs State Park
bullet Anderson River Park
bullet Castle Crags State Park
bullet Trinity (Claire Engle) Lake
bullet Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuge
bullet Klamath River
bullet Lake Siskiyou
bullet Lassen Volcanic National Park
bullet Latour Demonstration State Forest
bullet Marble Mountain Wilderness
bullet McArthur Burney Falls State Park
bullet Mount Shasta Natural Landmark
bullet Russian Wilderness
bullet Shasta Dam and Shasta Lake
bullet Trinity Alps Wilderness
bullet Whiskeytown Lake Recreation Area

Regional Attractions: 


bullet Please click here to view the page with maps and photographs of regional attractions. High-Speed internet access strongly recommended due to large photograph files!!!!. That page is best viewed in 1024 X 768 or higher resolution.

Turtle Bay Museums and Arboretum on the River with Sundial Bridge
Turtle Bay Museums and Arboretum on the River is the result of the merger in 1997 of four organizations (Carter House Natural Science Museum, Redding Arboretum by the River, the Forest Museum and the Redding Museum of Art & History). Since April of that year, these various facilities have all been part of Turtle Bay Museums. The Turtle Bay project is a $46 million effort to build a major cultural and scientific center with a focus on the Sacramento River watershed. It will examine the connections between people and nature while exploring the challenges created by human use of the natural and cultural environment. The first phase of the Museum's expansion was completed in 1997 with the opening of Paul Bunyan's Forest Camp, a 7-acre interactive family learning center with a focus on the forest. The first permanent wildlife exhibits and a new visitor center. A major new exhibition building, cafe, extensive gardens, exhibits and other facilities are now open. The 300-acre campus on both sides of the Sacramento River is now joined by a spectacular 217 feet tall and 700 feet long glass-deck span pedestrian bridge designed by internationally known architect Santiago Calatrava. Call..... .
O'Brien exit off interstate 5. These caverns are a delightful excursion for the entire family. The spectacular limestone and marble formations are surrounded by waterfalls and embedded with sparkling crystals. Guided tours are conducted daily. Call.. .
Three miles west on Highway 299 this state park features a museum with relics from the 1840s gold rush era the Litsch General Store which has been completely restored to its original state and many other historical buildings from that era. Museum is open year round and can be reached by calling .
15 miles west on Highway 299... the Camden House, built in 1852 was a popular stage coach stop. Tours conducted by the National Park Service by special request. Call .
1701 Rio Drive in Caldwell Park... features not only a large collection of local Indian artifacts but also exhibits contemporary art by various local and national artists. Now a part of Turtle Bay Museums and Arboretum on the River. For further information call .
700 Auditorium Drive . this attractive theater/convention hall schedules a variety of entertainment throughout the year from antique shows to country and western music For further information on upcoming events , call.... For information on booking conventions, call .
1701 Rio Drive in Caldwell Park... features natural and physical science exhibits. Their Animal Discovery Room is well-known for its "living exhibits." Children are encouraged to visit and play with over 30 different species of the animal world. Now a part of Turtle Bay Museums and Arboretum on the River. For further information call .
1313 Market Street... Located in downtown Redding, the original Redding City Hall has been restored and now houses exhibits from area artists Call .
Off Highway 273 north, take Quartz Hill Road... home of the Redding Museum and the Carter House Natural Science Museum, these parks located on the banks of the Sacramento River also feature a public swimming pool, playgrounds, picnic areas, softball and soccer fields, horseshoe pits. and a nine-hole public golf course.
To reach the Sacramento River Trail, proceed north on Market Street to Riverside Drive (left), which is on the south side of the Sacramento River. Proceed west on Riverside Drive to the designated parking area. The trail begins and continues 3 miles on the south side of the river, at this point the trail continues over a foot bridge where it then connects with the north side trail. The north side trail has several exits; however, if one chooses to walk the entire trail. it is another 5 miles
The second largest dam in the United States, Shasta Dam is located approximately 12 miles north of Redding via Interstate 5. Completed in 1945, Shasta Dam is the highest center overflow dam in the world, and is three times higher than Niagara Falls. Free tours are conducted daily through the interior of the dam. Shasta Dam and Lake is a "must see" for anyone visiting beautiful Northern California. For tour information, please call: - info desk at Dam
Lassen Peak, over 10,000 feet high, last erupted in 1917. In the park, you will see many interesting examples of volcanic action. Seven campgrounds offer guided nature walks and camper programs in the summer months. The Park is closed in the winter with the exception of cross-country skiing from the Manzanita Lake area. Interpretive snow show tours are conducted by National Park Service Rangers. Take Highway 44 east from Redding to north entrance; Highway 36 from Red Bluff to south entrance of Park.
Snow-capped Mt. Shasta dominates the northern skies as you journey past Shasta Lake, the jagged peaks of Castle Crags, and through the picturesque railroad town of Dunsmuir. During the winter months, skiers can choose alpine skiing at the Mt. Shasta Ski Park, which features two triple chair lifts and a surface tow. Cross country skiing is also available on Mt. Shasta. Take Interstate 5 north approximately 50 miles to Central Mt. Shasta exit.
This Park is located on Highway 89 mid-way between Mt. Shasta to the north and Lassen Park to the south. Spectacular 129-foot Burney Falls can be enjoyed by taking the hiking trail down to the base of the Falls and back again. Excellent camping facilities are available with 118 campsites, restrooms, hot and cold water, showers, stoves, tables and food lockers. A boat ramp is also available at near-by Lake Britton. Take Highway 299 east to Highway 89, head north on Highway 89 approximately 5 miles to Park entrance.
Continuing north on Interstate 5 for about 35 miles are the soaring spires of Castle Crag State Park. Popular activities include fishing in the Sacramento River, hiking and backpacking in the back country and camping among the ancient granite formations. There are 64 campsites with tables, stoves and storage lockers. Restrooms with hot showers are nearby. Many of the site are large enough to accommodate trailers and motor homes up to 27 feet (no hook-ups). Across from the park's main entrance are 21picnic sites.
West on Highway 299, Whiskeytown Lake is about 8 miles from Redding. The lake offers sandy beaches, marina, camping facilities , excellent boating, plus numerous marked hiking trails. Situated on the south shore of the lake is a memorial to President John F Kennedy commemorating his dedication of the Dam in 1963.

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Major Annual Events:

bullet Shasta District Fair
bullet Kool April Nites
bullet Wings and Wheels
bullet Annual Lighted Christmas Parade
bullet Rodeo Week
bullet Redding Air Show
bullet Shasta Jazz Festival
bullet Shasta Art Fair

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Other Links:

bullet Visit Hampton Inn- Redding page.  The best place to stay in Redding during your visit
bullet Visit Turtle Bay page for more information
bullet visit Greater Redding Chamber of Commerce page
bullet Visit City of Redding page
bullet Visit Northern California Travel and Tourism Information Network page
bullet Visit Siskiyou county Visitor's Bureau Page
bullet Visit Anderson Chamber of Commerce page
bullet Visit Redding Anesthesia Associates Medical Group Page (Information about anesthesia, pre-surgical & post-surgical events, pain clinic)


The information listed above was provided by The Greater Redding Chamber of Commerce and Redding Convention and Visitors Bureau or  .
It will be updated when the new data is provided by the GRCC or RCVB. Information on Turtle Bay Museums and Arboretum on the River provided by .
This page created by Shishir A. Dhruva, MD
Please send any comments, corrections or additions to
Last Updated: 05/05/05

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