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A member of our staff will contact you to set up a pre-admission consultation. During this time, we'll assist you with all pre-surgical preparation such as x-rays, lab tests and paperwork, including financial arrangements. An anesthesiologist or nurse will review your medical history and physical condition with you. Our business office manager will answer your financial questions. Please bring your insurance enrollment cart, signed insurance forms or other benefit forms with you. Please eat lightly the evening before your operation, and don't eat or drink anything after midnight unless directed by your physician or nurse. Parents should pay special attention to small children regarding this guidelines Children may bring a special toy, blanket or pacifier. Parents should plan to be with their child in the Step Down Recovery area before and after surgery If there is any change in your physical condition such as a cold, persistent cough, fever or important change in the condition for which you are having surgery, notify your physician. Please do not take oral medications after midnight, prior to your surgery, unless otherwise directed by your physician or nurse. Do not smoke or chew tobacco the day of surgery. Bring a list with you that includes the names of your medications and how often you are taking them. Wear casual clothing. Glasses, contact lenses, dentures and hearing aids may be removed for surgery so be sure to bring the protective cases. Leave all Valuables at Home (jewelry, cash, etc.) Children or extra guests: because our waiting room is small, we ask patients to limit their visitors to one guest. Please do not wear makeup if you are having facial surgery. Be sure to make arrangements for a ride home after your are released from the Surgery Center. For your safety, your physician will not permit you to leave alone after the operation. Prior to your appointment for surgery, your doctor will discuss the type of anesthesia recommended for you. If your particular operation does not require that you be asleep (general anesthetic) you may have the option of choosing another anesthetic. Please plan to arrive at the Surgery Center 1 hour prior to the scheduled time of your surgery. Any necessary admission procedures that have not been taken care of will be completed at this time. When you are admitted, you will be asked to sign a surgical consent form. This form indicates that you are aware of your surgery, and that your doctor has explained the procedure and related risk to you. A parent or legal guardian must sign the consent form for minors. A legal guardian must bring court documents of guardianship. If you are a parent or legal guardian of a minor under the age of 18 years, you are required to remain at the Surgery Center until your minor child is discharged back to your care Once the necessary forms are completed, you'll be escorted to a preparation area, and then to the operating room. After your surgery, you'll be taken to the recovery room where your physical condition will be constantly monitored by highly trained experienced recovery room nurses. When you've recovered from the anesthesia, a nurse will take you to another separate area for a further check-up. If we detect any possible complications at your pre-discharge check-up, immediate arrangements will be made for an overnight stay at the hospital. It is quite normal to feel a little dizzy and sleepy for a few hours after an operation while the anesthesia wears off. The Surgery Center offers an economical flat fee for all surgical procedures which is considerably less than the charge in a hospital. We are able to reduce the cost to you because you recover at home rather than in a hospital. This flat fee includes supplies, some implants, equipment, medication and professional nursing care received at the Surgery Center. Special implants, lab work, tests, emergency occurrences, extended recovery time and hospitalization are not included in this fee. Physicians fees billed separately All physician's fees are billed separately. You can expect to receive separate bills from any or all of the following:
If you do not have insurance or are having surgery that is not covered by your insurance, payment in full is required prior to admission unless other arrangements have been made in advance. If you have private or group insurance, simply notify the business office. As a courtesy, the business office will gladly prepare your insurance form. IF you have questions, please don't hesitate to call. We accept VISA, MASTERCARD, and AMERICAN EXPRESS. When you return home, it is very important that you carefully follow your physician's instructions regarding diet, rest and medications. For your comfort and safety, do not drive a car, drink alcoholic beverages or take any medications not prescribed for 24-hours following the administration of anesthetic drugs. A Surgery Center nurse will call you the day after your surgery to find out how you are doing. Doctor's Surgery Center for Map & Directions [ Home | Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.