Home of the Sundial Bridge

Shasta County, California, USA

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Northern California's Tourism & Recreation Capital

By road, Redding is....
  • 220 miles from San Francisco
  • 165 miles from Sacramento
  • 418 miles from Portland
  • 220 miles from Reno
  • 550 miles from Los Angeles
  • 136 miles from Eureka

By air, Redding is....

  • 1:15 minutes flight from San Francisco

Regional Attractions:



O'Brien exit off interstate 5. These caverns are a delightful excursion for the entire family. The spectacular limestone and marble formations are surrounded by waterfalls and embedded with sparkling crystals. Guided tours are conducted daily. Call .


Three miles west on Highway 299 this state park features a museum with relics from the 1840s gold rush era the Litsch General Store which has been completely restored to its original state and many other historical buildings from that era. Museum is open year round and can be reached by calling .


West on Highway 299, Whiskeytown Lake is about 8 miles from Redding. The lake offers sandy beaches, marina, camping facilities , excellent boating, plus numerous marked hiking trails. Situated on the south shore of the lake is a memorial to President John F Kennedy commemorating his dedication of the Dam in 1963.


Off Highway 273 north, take Quartz Hill Road... home of the Redding Museum and the Carter House Natural Science Museum, these parks located on the banks of the Sacramento River also feature a public swimming pool, playgrounds, picnic areas, softball and soccer fields, horseshoe pits. and a nine-hole public golf course


To reach the Sacramento River Trail, proceed north on Market Street to Riverside Drive (left), which is on the south side of the Sacramento River. Proceed west on Riverside Drive to the designated parking area. The trail begins and continues 3 miles on the south side of the river, at this point the trail continues over a foot bridge where it then connects with the north side trail. The north side trail has several exits; however, if one chooses to walk the entire trail. it is another 5 miles


The second largest dam in the United States, Shasta Dam is located approximately 12 miles north of Redding via Interstate 5. Completed in 1945, Shasta Dam is the highest center overflow dam in the world, and is three times higher than Niagara Falls. Free tours are conducted daily through the interior of the dam. Shasta Dam and Lake is a "must see" for anyone visiting beautiful Northern California. For tour information, please call: - inf. desk at Dam


Lassen Peak, over 10,000 feet high, last erupted in 1917. In the park, you will see many interesting examples of volcanic action. Seven campgrounds offer guided nature walks and camper programs in the summer months. The Park is closed in the winter with the exception of cross-country skiing from the Manzanita Lake area. Interpretive snow show tours are conducted by National Park Service Rangers. Take Highway 44 east from Redding to north entrance; Highway 36 from Red Bluff to south entrance of Park.


Snow-capped Mt. Shasta dominates the northern skies as you journey past Shasta Lake, the jagged peaks of Castle Crags, and through the picturesque railroad town of Dunsmuir. During the winter months, skiers can choose alpine skiing at the Mt. Shasta Ski Park, which features two triple chair lifts and a surface tow. Cross country skiing is also available on Mt. Shasta. Take Interstate 5 north approximately 50 miles to Central Mt. Shasta exit.


This Park is located on Highway 89 mid-way between Mt. Shasta to the north and Lassen Park to the south. Spectacular 129-foot Burney Falls can be enjoyed by taking the hiking trail down to the base of the Falls and back again. Excellent camping facilities are available with 118 campsites, restrooms, hot and cold water, showers, stoves, tables and food lockers. A boat ramp is also available at near-by Lake Britton. Take Highway 299 east to Highway 89, head north on Highway 89 approximately 5 miles to Park entrance.


Continuing north on Interstate 5 for about 35 miles are the soaring spires of Castle Crag State Park. Popular activities include fishing in the Sacramento River, hiking and backpacking in the back country and camping among the ancient granite formations. There are 64 campsites with tables, stoves and storage lockers. Restrooms with hot showers are nearby. Many of the site are large enough to accommodate trailers and motor homes up to 27 feet (no hook-ups). Across from the park's main entrance are 21picnic sites.


217 Feet tall and 700 feet long, glass-deck pedestrian bridge now open at Turtle Bay Park.  This 23 million dollar bridge is designed by world famous spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. The bridge was formally open for public use on July 4, 2004. It is really spectacular !

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Some of the photographs were supplied by Redding Convention and Visitors Bureau. Tel: OR .
This page designed by June 1997
Last updated on 08/11/04

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