Redding Anesthesia Associates
Medical Group

Study Web - Academic Excellence Award 1999

The HealthAtoZ site award

Pain Clinic



Frequently Asked Questions:

Pre-anesthetic visit

Events before the surgery
General Anesthesia AV
Spinal & Epidural Anesthesia
Regional & Local Anesthesia 
Recovery Room
Post-Operative Pain Control
Labor Analgesia
Insurance & bills
Epidural Steroid Injection AV
Stellate Ganglion Block AV
Facet Joint Injection
Sacro-Iliac Joint Injection
Epidurolysis (Racz Procedure)
Radiofrequency Ablations
Dorsal Column Stimulator
Intrathecal Morphine Pump
Lumbar Sympathetic Block
Narcotics & Constipation
IntraDiscal ElectroThermal Therapy
Discography (Discogram)
Medial Branch Blocks for Facets
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